Sunday, June 9, 2013


Basically, by 'forest' we mean large areas of land that are covered by trees.It plays a vital role in the eco-system.However its status is continuously declining.So necessary efforts should be taken to preserve forests to make this world a better place to live.

Some years ago, a large area of the world was covered by forests.But now, things are quite different.The trees have been cut down in large quantities mainly  for human settlement.Besides, trees have been cut down to meet other needs like furniture,fuel,paper,rubber,fodder & so on.It is a direct material for some major industries.
We all know that the role of greeneries in the environment is inevitable,however it seems to have been ignored.The forest area has decreased hazardously.The forests create a balance in the atmosphere by taking in Carbon-di-oxide & giving out Oxygen.Different species of wildlife relies on it.The extinction of some rare species can be blamed for the destruction of forests.Trees hold the soil & prevents natural calamities like flood,land-slide & soil erosion.It makes the environment much cleaner & provides beauty to the eyes.Though the status of the forest is critical it's still not late.Immediate actions should be taken          
to conserve trees.Programs like tree plantation should be encouraged.The introduction of 'environment' studies at school levels is a commendable step.Even in city areas, greenbelts should be established & plants should be planted in barren lands.

As 'drops make ocean', it's not only the duty of the government but all of us to wisely utilize the natural resources.Resources like water, plants,minerals, soils should also be saved for the future generation.The conservation of forest has now become a prime duty

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