Sunday, June 9, 2013

Black Browed Albatross

Black-browed Albatrosses are medium sized sea birds.They are the most common of the albatross species.They got their name from their dark black plumage above the eyes.

Black-browed Albatrosses are predominantly white with dark grey wings & back.The underwing is white with wide black edges & tip.The bill is bright yellow-orange with a pink tip.
These birds spend majority of time at sea.They usually retutn to the same nesting site each September.They nest on the edge of the cliff.The nest is a solid pillar of mud & guano with some tussock grass & sea-weed incorporated.
A single egg is laid in early October.Both parents protect the egg.The incubation lasts for 2 months.Chicks are under the supervision of the parents upto 4 months.

Black-browed albatross are 37inches long & weigh 3.7 kilos in average.They have a wingspan of 79-93inches.They feed on fish,octopus,krill & crustaceans.
They are found in Antarctic,sub-arctic & sub-tropical waters.They can tolerate water  temperatures from 0-24° C.They live in the southern oceans & can live upto 70 years.

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