Sunday, June 9, 2013


Narwhals are unique looking whales with large horn-like tusk on their face.The name Narwhales means 'corpse whale' because they often swim belly up,lying motionless for several minutes.They are calm but move quick when threatened.

At birth, Narwhals appear their darkest with molted black-greyish colouring & white spotted patterns.As they grow older their dark colours begin to lighten.The long ivory tusk extends from the upper left side of the jaw which measures 7-10 feet.The tusk is straight,spiraled upto 5 inches.
Narwhals have about 4 inches of fat to insulate them from the cold arctic waters.They communicate by means of a variety of squeals,trills,whistles & clicks.
They use their forehead sense of echo location to find things like other marine mammals.They also use this part of the forehead to feel sound waves as they bounce through the water.After gestation of 10-16months,females give birth to young ones.Mother Narwhals nurse their baby till they reach 4 months.
Narwhals are 10-20 feet & weigh around 1600kgs.They feed on squid & flatfish,They are found in the Canadian Arctic & Greenlandic waters.They can live upto 50years.

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