Sunday, June 9, 2013


The term 'fungus' has bee derived from the Latin word which means mushroom.
Fungi  are eukaryotic organisms which feed on dead & decayed organic matter or parasitize living ,organisms.Most fungi are ecologically important decomposers,some are important in the food production & some fungi cause diseases in plants & animals.

They are achlorophyllous,spore bearing & non-vascular plants that reproduce both sexually & asexually.It includes various forms like mushroom,moulds,rusts,smuts,puffballs,pore fungi & mildews.
 Fungi are moisture loving & terrestrial but few are aquatic which are called 'water moulds'.Its cell wall is made of fungus cellulose. Glycogen is the reserve food material.
Since chlorophyll is absent in fungi,they are parasitic or saprophytic.
Parasitic fungi rely on living host to obtain food.Saprophytic fungi grow on dead & decayed matter.Decayed matter include fruits,soil,bread & so on.
Fungi is useful as a food item rich in protein.Yeast is rich in Vitamin B & D.Some fungi can be used in medicine,in the production of anti-biotics.
It is used to make beer & in baking.
Fungi grow well at 20-30°C & at acidic pH6.0.

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